I find the possibility of having access (for free) to all the data you provide here absolultely amazing. Cheers for that :-)
I am new here, read through your tutorials and documentation, but am really just getting started.
Today I to played around in the research environment a bit, and was wondering about something that seems of crucial importance: accessing all the data available in the research API.
How can I get the data for all tradeable assets at any point in time (the number and tickers will of course change over time) in the research API?
I know a similar question came up previously (see here: https://www.quantopian.com/posts/get-all-active-symbols-at-any-historic-date), and the recommendation there was to look into pipelines.
I did that, but as far as I understand this only works in the developement IDE, and not the research API.
The run_pipeline() command seems like a promising candidate to solve this, but I can't figure out how to use it? (I didn't find anything about it in the research API Tutorial nor any other examples for this out there, apologies if I missed it).
So: How do I access all this beautifule data of all tradeable assets at any point in time in the research API?
Thanks for your help in advance,