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Gap Fill Strategy

Does anyone out there have a gap fill strategy they would be willing to share snippets of the code?

Or if there is someone out there willing to help out I need to find how to code the following:

  1. current day low is above the prior day high - thus creating a gap
  2. Short at the end of the day (to ensure the low does not close the gap thus nullifying the trade)
  3. Sell once the Gap has closed (price reaches the prior day high from 1.)

This seems relatively easy to code, but I'm running into a writers block

This is what I have so far:

def initialize(context):

#set_commission(commission.PerShare(cost=0, min_trade_cost=0))  

schedule_function(func= getin,date_rule=date_rules.every_day(),  
                  time_rule=time_rules.market_close(hours=0, minutes=5))  

context.stock = sid(24) #AAPL  

def handle_data(context, data):

#if 'mx_lvrg' not in context:             # Max leverage  
    #context.mx_lvrg = 0                  # Init this instead in initialize() for better efficiency  
#if context.account.leverage > context.mx_lvrg:  
    #context.mx_lvrg = context.account.leverage  
    #record(mx_lvrg = context.mx_lvrg)    # Record maximum leverage encountered  

def getin(context,data):

close = prices[-2]  
current = data.current(context.stock,'price')  
gap = (current-close)/close  

thresh = .005  

if (gap < -thresh) and (current > mavg):  

if (gap > thresh) and (current < mavg):  

def getout(context,data):
