I've noticed that some of the earnings reporting dates don't look correct in the fact_set fundamentals data. Specifically,
starting_date = '2016-01-01'
ending_date = '2018-1-4'
eps_rpt_date_qf = Fundamentals.eps_rpt_date_qf.latest
returns_1day = Returns(window_length=2)
pipe= Pipeline(columns={'eps_rpt_date_qf' : eps_rpt_date_qf,
'returns_1day': returns_1day},
screen = (eps_rpt_date_qf.notnull()))
result = qr.run_pipeline(pipe, starting_date, ending_date)
ticker = 'AZZ'
single_symbol = symbols(ticker, symbol_reference_date = starting_date)
single_name = result.loc[(slice(None), slice(single_symbol,single_symbol)), :]
Taking a look at the ticker 'AZZ', the eps_rpt_date_qf date is showing 01/08/2017 while the Nasdaq SEC filing page shows 01/06/2017. The dates may be off slightly, but when investigating earnings surprise effects, this impact is quite significant.