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Fundamental data KMeans clustering

This is an algorithm that clusters stocks based on a set of fundamentals (I have used Max's set of 4 fundamental ratios as a basis). The algo clusters the stock universe around fundamental data. It then tries (and this is where this needs improving) to rank the clusters and take long-short positions on top and bottom clusters. The ranking for now is done on past performance, which is somewhat naive. I am calling on Q's best and brightest to suggest improvement on rank the clusters. Or maybe this is just a dead end.

Some of the code for cluster manipulation comes from a post from Jonathan Larkin.


2 responses

Hi Luc,

Grant Kielhne has contributed an algo for alpha combination using spectral clustering that follows a pipeline format and conforms to contest specs. Here's the link: alpha-combination-via-clustering You can substitute your choice of clustering routine. Hope this helps.

Thanks James for this. I looked it up and it is quite an impressive piece of code. I have yet to understand the clustering bit, as it clusters 20 factors (samples), each having 5*1715 features. I will look further into it... But really, Grant did a fantastic job.

Mine does not work the same way, as it clusters stocks and not factors. Mine clusters 1500 stocks around 4 factors, creating clusters of stocks with similar factors.
