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Find Coder to Assist

How do I find coders to assist?

I posted this question yesterday and got 34 views, but no assistance.

7 responses

I'm a not coder, just a Trader. Probably the easiest way is to find someone you can pay per hour. Tell them what you want the program to do, and they grind it out for you. Otherwise you will be dependent on whoever has the time to look at your issue. I'm learning Python from scratch, I'm familiar with some aspects of Tradestation, enough to create some cool algo's. I don't have enough experience to convert the algo's and thats what I'm working on now.

Is there a good site for hiring them?

There are sites, but best bet is to find someone at your local university that is into quantitative finance/computer science. It will be very hard to deal with someone that you can't see and you may need to sit with them to explain what your trying to do. A few hundred bucks online and you may not like the product, just have to not care about the dollars lost if working with someone online.

Krishna, That is a very interesting concept. That's called a "Builder"
TOS has a builder also that let's you do it with drop downs.
Buy when, sell when, etc., and then spits out thinkscript.

Builders are coming of age but I am still very confused about how I would code something very simple such as buy a call.

I think Options aren't supported just 8000 equities for now. So it would be hard to trouble shoot any code.

I've seen trading algorithm requests posted on sites like oDesk (now upwork.com), but I agree with Krishna that dealing remotely will be a pain (not efficient).

(replying to your original post - Quantopian does not support stock options as of now, you would need to use other software to develop strategies and trade stock options)