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Filtering out instances of multiple securities using get_fundamentals() - MSFT example

Im writing my first full algorithm, replicating the Magic Formula.

Im running into an issue with get_fundamentals() where there are two securities for Microsoft, MSFT and MSFTV. I understand the economics of why there are two securities, but I can't find a good way to systematically filter out these kind of situations from the get_fundamentals() method.

In the example below, Im attempting to always have 5 positions but starting in early 2003 there are consistently 6 positions and one of them is MSFTV.

Does anyone know a good way of dealing with these instances? The goal is to update my universe everyday with a set of unique securities and only have 5 of them into portfolio.

3 responses

Hi Colin,

I went to my bag of usual tricks on this and came up empty in the case of MSFTV. Usually, something in share_class_reference or company_reference can help distinguish these types of share classes inside the query.

I did notice that the symbol and primary_symbol field returned by get_fundamentals was MSFT for MSFTV. So you could access the symbol attribute of the Equity object in the dataframe returned by get_fundamentals and compare it to the symbol field, after you've run the query.

Hope that makes sense,


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There's also the flag is_primary_share

Josh & Simon,

Thanks for replies - had some time to work on this issue today and Josh's suggestion of using symbol and primary_symbol was spot on.

def checkIfPrimaryShares(context, fundamentals_df):  
    for stock in context.stocks:  
        if stock.symbol != fundamentals_df[stock].primary_symbol:  
            log.info("%s: non-primary shares, removing from context.stocks" %(stock.symbol))  