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Fetcher - Signal imports and how to access columns not labeled 'price'

Hi, I'm a Quantopian Noob - really liking it but having a little trouble importing data.

I use fetcher to import a csv I have saved in dropbox as a signal, but then can't work out how to access the data using the column names from the csv file.

When I log the signal, I can see the column names/values as dictionary key/values in the output, so I know the data has been read in, however when I try access I get an error.

The fetcher examples I look at all seem to relabel the signal columns to 'price' to access, but I was hoping there was I way I could use the original column labels.

Example code:

Imported CSV

date,   Weight1,    Weight2  
7/2/2012,   0.3,    0.7  
10/1/2012,  0.3,    0.7  

Reading data, and logging

 def initialize(context):  
     url = "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bt8z1vk41ugghyd/balance_matrix_tmp.csv"  
               date_column = "date",  
               date_format = "%m/%d/%Y",  
               symbol = 'testsig')

  def handle_data(context, data):  
     data[sid(26578)]) #Need a sid for algo to build  
     testimport = data['testsig']  

A sample of the log shows that 'Weight1' and 'Weight2' have been imported and exist in a dict internal to the data['testsig'] sid object.

2012-07-02handle_data:29INFO<class 'zipline.protocol.SIDData'>  
2012-07-02handle_data:30INFOSIDData({'datetime': Timestamp('2012-07-02 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC'),  
'Weight2': 0.7, 
'Weight1': 0.3,
'dt': Timestamp('2012-07-02 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC'), 
'vwap': <function _transform at 0xa9e4500>, 
'mavg': <function _transform at 0xa9e4848>, 
'returns': <function _transform at 0xa9e48c0>, 
'stddev': <function _transform at 0xa9e4758>, 
'sid': 'testsig', 
'source_id': 'PandasRequestsCSVf59832d08861fceb7ab9ef58b56100e2', 'type': 9})

But if I try to access these items, eg:
testimport = data['testsig']['Weight1'] I get an error

Runtime exception: KeyError: 'Weight1'  

However, relabeling 'Weight1' to 'price' in a post processing function as in other examples let's me access via

testimport = data['testsig'].price  

Be great if I could access the 'Weight1' series by it's original label directly though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 response

Figured it out by looking at a shared algo - nice feature. Just had to check if my data existed before trying to access it, i.e. added:

 if 'Weight1' in data['testsig']:  
     testimport = data['testsig']['Weight1']  

All works now.