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Fetcher and live outside minute based data source

Fetcher is invoked once during the initialize method. In live trading, I assume the initialize method is invoked once per day before market opens. If I have a live outside minute based data source that I would like to use in my algorithm, then it seems like that fetcher API would not be the right one to use. Are there alternative ways to pull outside data source more than once per day? Thank you very much for your help.

7 responses

I would love to hear an answer from Quantopian on this issue. This would limit the type of algorithms we can currently implement on this platform. Thank you very much for your help.

Hello Jimmy,

As far as I know, the answer is "no" and I've heard of no plans to allow user/third-party minutely data streams.


Hi Jimmy,

I understand the use case here and have this enhancement in our backlog. That said, we currently prioritize delivering a diversity of data sources on a daily basis higher. These decisions are constantly be reevaluated and I'm happy to listen for more input on this topic.



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Sounds kinda challenging. How far down in the backlog is it? My interpretation of the request (which has been requested before) was to be able to insert a generic feed, that would be synchronous with the Nanex feed, so that every minute, both bar data and the custom feed data would be available to the algo, without adding latency and at the same level of reliability. And each user would be able to provide his own, custom live streams. Just seems like a really challenging enhancement to implement, so I'm wondering if it would bubble up to the top any time soon?


Hi Josh,

Is my understanding correct then that if I want to use a live "signal" - say the VIX - in paper / live trading then this will not be possible? Even for strategies that are not too time sensitive, e.g trading once per day near the close, it would be useful to have a simple method to pull in external prices.


Hi Steven,

The Quantopian live feed comes from Nanex Nxcore. So the question is what would it take for Quantopian to add an index feed from them? And also have it available for backtesting. My sense is that they'll be able to pull it off, but it is a "shorter putt" to first do daily feeds before the market opens.


Hi Steven,

The Quantopian live feed comes from Nanex Nxcore. So the question is what would it take for Quantopian to add an index feed from them? And also have it available for backtesting. My sense is that they'll be able to pull it off, but it is a "shorter putt" to first do daily feeds before the market opens.
