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error w/ window length of 90?


For the attached algorithm, it will run with a batch transform window length (global W_L) of 30, but if I try 90, I get a general runtime error, with no indication of the source of the error.

Any idea what's going on?



3 responses

Here's the code (it is not available under "Source Code" above:

# References:  
# 1. Ming Li; Xin Chen; Xin Li; Bin Ma; Vitanyi, P.M.B.; , "The similarity metric,"  
# Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on , vol.50, no.12, pp. 3250- 3264, Dec. 2004  
# http://homepages.cwi.nl/~paulv/papers/similarity.pdf  
# 2. Lin, Jessica, et al. "A symbolic representation of time series, with implications for  
# streaming algorithms." Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMOD workshop on Research issues  
# in data mining and knowledge discovery. ACM, 2003.  
# www.cs.ucr.edu/~stelo/papers/DMKD03.pdf

import numpy as np  
import zlib  
from scipy import stats  
import random  
import itertools  
import datetime

# globals for get_data batch transform decorator  
R_P = 1  # refresh period in days  
W_L = 90  # window length in days

def initialize(context):  
    context.stocks = []  
    # bottom = random.randint(0,98)  
    bottom = 98  
    range = 2  
    log.info("universe is {b} to {t}".format(b=bottom, t=bottom+range))  
    set_universe(universe.DollarVolumeUniverse(bottom, bottom+range))  
    # context.day = 0  
def handle_data(context, data):  
    context.stocks = [sid for sid in data]  
    # get data (select prices, volume, etc. in batch transform get_data)  
    d = get_data(data, context.stocks)  
    if d is None:  
    # # update plot daily  
    # trade_day = data[context.stocks[0]].datetime.day  
    # if trade_day == context.day:  
        # return  
    # context.day = trade_day  
    # code data & convert to strings  
    coded_d = code_data(d)  
    # remove columns with NaNs  
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642730/how-to-delete-columns-in-numpy-array  
    m =coded_d.shape[1]  
    n = coded_d.shape[0]  
    X = [i for i in range(m)]  
    for j in range(m):  
        X[j] = ''  
        for i in range(n):  
            X[j] = X[j] + str(int(coded_d[i,j]))  
    s = sim_pairs(X)  
    # compute & plot coefficien of variation  
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_variation  
    mean_s = np.mean(s)  
    std_s = np.std(s,ddof=1)  
    CV = std_s/mean_s  
    record(CV = CV)

@batch_transform(refresh_period=R_P, window_length=W_L, clean_nans=False) # set globals R_P & W_L above  
def get_data(datapanel,sids):  
    return datapanel['price'].as_matrix(sids)

def code_data(uncoded_data):

    # code data according to Ref. 2

    coded_d = stats.zscore(uncoded_data, axis=0, ddof=1)  
    coded_d[coded_d >= 0.67] = 4  
    coded_d[(coded_d >= 0.0) & (coded_d < 0.67)] = 3  
    coded_d[(coded_d >= -0.67) & (coded_d < 0.0)] = 2  
    coded_d[coded_d < -0.67] = 1  
    return coded_d

def NCD(X,Y):  
    CX = len(zlib.compress(X,9))  
    CY = len(zlib.compress(Y,9))  
    return (len(zlib.compress(X+Y,9)) - min(CX,CY)) / float(max(CX,CY))  
def sim_pairs(string_data):  
    pairs = list((itertools.combinations(string_data,2)))  
    n = len(pairs)  
    result = np.zeros(n)  
    for j in range(n):  
        result[j] = NCD(pairs[j][0],pairs[j][1])  
    return result  

Hi Grant,

I'm baffled myself. I was able to get a more articulate error from the server logs, but I haven't solved it yet.

 Exception: columns overlap: <class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>  

Obviously, we need to give a better error to you. And we need to make it easier to debug!



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Thanks Dan,

No rush...sounds like it might be in the batch transform, since that is the only place that I know of where pandas is being used. I stripped everything down and still get the error:

# globals for get_data batch transform decorator  
R_P = 1  # refresh period in days  
W_L = 90  # window length in days

def initialize(context):  
    context.stocks = []  
    bottom = 98  
    range = 2  
    log.info("universe is {b} to {t}".format(b=bottom, t=bottom+range))  
    set_universe(universe.DollarVolumeUniverse(bottom, bottom+range))  
def handle_data(context, data):  
    context.stocks = [sid for sid in data]  
    # get data (select prices, volume, etc. in batch transform get_data)  
    d = get_data(data, context.stocks)  
    if d is None:  

@batch_transform(refresh_period=R_P, window_length=W_L, clean_nans=False) # set globals R_P & W_L above  
def get_data(datapanel,sids):  
    return datapanel['price'].as_matrix(sids)  
