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CustomFactor error

All but 1 fails who can tell me why?

class test(CustomFactor):

inputs = [USEquityPricing.close]  
outputs = ['test_1', 'test_2', 'test_3', 'test_4', 'test_5']  
window_length = 15  

def compute(self, today, assets, out, close):  

    test_1 = "This is a test"

    if close[-1] < close[0]:  
        test_2 = 1  
        test_2 = 0   

    test_3 = 1 if close[-1] >= close[0] else 0  
    test_4 = 1 if close[0] >= 1 else 0  
    test_5 = np.where(close[-1] >= close[0][ 1, 0])  

     out.test_1[:] = test_1  
     out.test_2[:] = test_2  
     out.test_3[:] = test_3  
     out.test_4[:] = test_4  
     out.test_5[:] = test_5