Something like tse_prv here would be my first guess.
The rest would be a few tips and some of my style-OCD's, not to pick on anyone in particular, that's some fine code. For example I can't see straight until I've removed all instances of 'my_', it reminds me of this moment in history brought to you by Disney. (mine mine mine mine in Finding Nemo). Yes folks, I know it is yours. When I see pronouns in code, "my", "our", "we", etc, since I don't know who or what groups those are referring to, it doesn't compute so I often just move on. Remainder of this rant withheld. This was such a good question I couldn't resist taking a look.
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import talib
def initialize(context):
context.spylong = sid(38533) #sid(38532)
context.maximum_profit = 0.001
context.maximum_loss = 0.001
total_minutes = (6 * 60) + 15
for i in range(1, total_minutes):
if i % 5 == 0:
schedule_function(trade, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_open(minutes=i))
schedule_function(abandon_ship, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_close(minutes=10))
def assign_weights(context, data):
weight = 0
closes_1m = data.history(context.spylong, 'close', 390, '1m').ffill().bfill()
fast_ema_1m = talib.EMA(closes_1m, timeperiod = 8)
tse_input = closes_1m[-10:]
tse = stats.mstats.theilslopes(tse_input, np.arange(len(tse_input) ))[0]
tse_prv = stats.mstats.theilslopes(tse_input[0:-1], np.arange(len(tse_input) - 1 ))[0]
# What I would like to be able to do:
# if the current tse value > the tse value for the previous bar:
#weight = 0.95
if tse > tse_prv:
weight = 0.95
elif 0 and fast_ema_1m[-1] > fast_ema_1m[-2]: # 0 and has this turned off
weight = 0.5
return weight
def target_stop_exit(context, data):
verdict = ''
s = context.spylong
pos = context.portfolio.positions
if pos[s].amount > 0:
amount = pos[s].amount
current_value = amount * data.current(s, 'price')
paid_value = pos[s].amount * pos[s].cost_basis
if current_value >= paid_value * (1 + context.maximum_profit):
verdict = 'target'
elif current_value <= paid_value * (1 - context.maximum_loss):
verdict = 'stop'
return verdict
def trade(context, data):
weight = assign_weights(context, data)
pos = context.portfolio.positions
oo_spylong = get_open_orders(context.spylong)
if not pos[context.spylong].amount and not oo_spylong:
if weight > 0:
print 'Opening position, weight {}'.format(weight)
order_target_percent(context.spylong, weight)
elif pos and not oo_spylong:
if target_stop_exit(context, data) == 'target':
#cancel_oos(context, data)
order_target(context.spylong, 0)
print 'exit, target {}'.format(data.current(context.spylong, 'price'))
elif target_stop_exit(context, data) == 'stop':
#cancel_oos(context, data)
order_target(context.spylong, 0)
print 'exit, stop at {}'.format(data.current(context.spylong, 'price'))
def abandon_ship(context, data):
if get_open_orders(context.spylong):
print 'Abandon Ship'
cancel_oos(context, data)
order_target(context.spylong, 0)
def cancel_oos(context, data):
oo = get_open_orders()
for s in oo:
for o in oo[s]: cancel_order(