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Clarifying prices by various methods

Toward the most efficient universal function that can always be counted on to pull a floating point price and never a nan no matter what state the stock is in, thought I might as well share the code I was using to look into it, since it might be useful for other things too. It takes a look at any differences between these:

data.current(stock, 'price')  
data.history(stock, 'price', 1, '1m')[-1]           # Minute resolution  
data.history(stock, 'price', 1, '1d')[-1]           # Daily resolution  

Basically turns out to be pretty simple (except the last point):

  • data.current(stock, 'price') Always best as long as data.can_trade(stock)
  • context.portfolio.positions[stock].last_sale_price Always populated even when delisted.
  • As soon as delisted, everything except last_sale_price are nan.
  • At any time of day, latest history '1m' and '1d' are often the same, yet not always.

This was a level of detail I needed, to be certain.

Easier than I thought, looks like this ought to be fine:

def price(context, data, s):    # Always return latest known price, avoiding nan  
    if data.can_trade(s): return data.current(s, 'price')  
    else: return context.portfolio.positions[s].last_sale_price  

Can turn on Q1500US() among other options ...