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Analyzing trades on old stocks (now defuct / acquired)

I'm trying to analyze trades which are performed through backtesting. Very early on, I've found a stock which I'm having a hard time getting information on. The stock I'm specifically looking for is OHP which I believe was Oxford Health Plans which was acquired in 2004. I'm not totally sure, though. (http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=32587)

How do I track down which stock this actually was and get pricing data and find out what exchange it was on (to track down financials)?

(I tried Yahoo finance, can't figure it out unless it's the OHP traded in Europe) http://finance.yahoo.com/lookup/stocks;_ylt=Aut5Y0rfoN6AjS37l.HfvkjxVax_;_ylu=X3oDMTFiM3RzMzF1BHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5ZmlTeW1ib2xMb29rdXBSZXN1bHRzBHNsawNzdG9ja3M-?s=OHP&t=S&m=ALL&r=